Female Makers
We feel very lucky to work with some awesome female makers and we want to celebrate this.
Julia Kalthoff makes incredible axes, sheaths and sharpening stones.
JoJo Wood was key in designing the Wood Tools Carving Axe coming up with an axe that is suitable for women and beginner carvers. She is also the captain at the helm of Wood Tools making sure that everything runs smoothly.
Corrina Lindsay is the founder and owner of Bird On The Hill Milk Paints and makes our awesome milk paints.
Danielle Rose Byrd is an amazing bowl and sculptural carver. Her book Hand Carved Bowl is possibly the best instructional carving book that we have come across. It has been written in such a way that it is easily followed and understood by both visual and literal learners.
Cynthia Main from Sunhouse Craft in Kentucky makes beautiful handmade brooms and much more and in collaboration with Emmet van Driesche came up with the broomcorn polisher.
Jannita Nieves, whilst not a maker we feel should also be mentioned as our supplier of Silky Saws with her team of mostly women.