Product details


A typical pole lathe bowl turner will use a pair of tip-up/tip-down hooks to turn nearly all of their forms, from small bowls, to large dishes, plates and platters. The tip-up hook is designed to hollow the inside walls of a bowl, or to rough shape the outside of a form. The tip-down hook is perfectly designed to thin the core to allow for a bowl to be hollowed, and, whilst more difficult to develop control with it, is able to achieve a much smoother surface across the face of a plate or the outside of a bowl

If you are looking at a tool from above, with the hook end pointing away from you, with the bevel facing left, a tip-up will have the hook facing upwards, and the opposite for a tip-down

I.e. the tip-down will have the hook facing towards the ground

  • The steel is extremely high quality, Australian made high carbon silver steel. It will retain an exceptional edge and will be easy to sharpen
  • 320mm total length.
  • made from 15mm round stock.