Product details

Replacement blades are available for all Silky Saws. The Big Boy range has four tooth sizes. Different applications are performed a little easier with the appropriate tooth size. For example, bamboo cuts neatly with a fine tooth blade as it doesn't fray and split as easily as it does when cut with a large tooth blade.

The teeth are non-set, meaning that they don't have one tooth bent one way and the alternate tooth bent the other way to make a wider cut than the width of the blade. 


SKU 353-36

Blue Handle

Blade length:- 360mm or 14.2 inches

Teeth per 30mm/in:- 13/11

Weight:- 154g


SKU 351-36

Med Tooth  Black Handle 

Blade length:- 360mm or 14.2 inches

Teeth per 30mm/in:- 10/8.5

Weight:- 154g


SKU 355-36 

 Lge Tooth   Red Handle

Blade length:- 360mm or 14.2 inches

Teeth per 30mm/in:- 7/5.9

Weight:- 154g


SKU 357-36 

 Ex Lge Tooth  Yellow Handle

Blade length:- 360mm or 14.2 inches

Teeth per 30mm/in:- 6.5/5.5

Weight:- 154g