Product details


This Hook Knife is made from 2mm recycled Swedish stainless steel blade has a tight curvature with a single side bevel, left-ground edge for right handed and right-ground for left handed.  It can be used for hollowing out spoon bowls, kuksas, kasa, bowls etc.

The handle is made from Scandinavian birch wood and is Mora's signature barrel shape which can be easily reshaped to suit your hand.  

The knife’s full rat-tail tang runs throughout the handle, providing both strength and stability in every cut.

The sheath is made from Swedish vegetable-tanned leather protects both the edge from being damaged and you from the same sharp edge when not in use.

Blade Thickness: 2 mm

Knife Length: 164 mm

Total Length: 170 mm

Net Weight: 62 gm

Steel Type: Stainless Steel

Blade Shape: Blade Curved Sideways

Blunt Tip: Yes

Flex Grade: Stiff


Handle Material: Linseed oiled birch

We recommend only sharpening hook knives on the inside edge as you have a flat registration point to work with.  The outside of the blade has a convex surface from the tip to heel as well as from the edge to the spine which means that there is a complexity to could lead to headaches if you get it wrong. 

Regular stropping however on the inside edge using a dowel with stropping compound and a stropping paddle for the outside edge is a great way to maintain a keen edge for  longer before you will even need to think about resharpening your hook knives.