Product details

The Tormek Tormek SVS-50 Multi Jig is used for turning skew chisels, parting tools and roughing gouges.  Also for straight carving gouges up to 50mm width. The Multi Jig works with both the Tormek T-4 and Tormek T-8 sharpening systems.

 The Jig is designed for ease of use - simply turn the jig over to grind the second bevel without the need to reset the jig. The Jig also comes with PL-01 Profile Labels which allow for an easy setup and exact repeatability.

Using the Tormek SVS-50 Multi Jig for roughing gouges, parting tools and wide carving gouges

The open seat (where the tool is mounted with the top screw) is best used for tools with an edge across the longitudinal direction. It's also ideal for sharpening woodturning parting tools, roughing gouges and wide carving gouges. Both the open and closed seat are mounted using a bottom screw, which also locks it at the selected angle.

Water-cooled sharpening that a Tormek offers results in a very sharp edge that will last longer. Carving with sharp tools gives the wood a very smooth finish, often eliminating the need for sanding your work.

Product Specifications:




Precision-cast zinc, black composite


2-year warranty


Watch this short introduction on how the Tormek SVS-50 Multi Jig works.

 The below video from Tormek shows how you can use the SVS-50 Multi Jig to sharpen wood turning chisels.