Product details

The LA-124 Set of Narrow Exchange Discs enables users to replace the standard leather discs of the LA-120 Profiled Leather Honing Wheel, thereby enabling honing of tools with a smaller radius or sharper angle.

Why LA-124 Set of Narrow Exchange Discs?

  • Quality cowhide that lasts year after year.
  • Fits the LA-120 Profiled Leather Honing Wheel.
  • Hones arched edge tools with a smaller radius or tighter angle.

Replace regular profiled honing wheels with narrower ones

Upgrade your LA-120 Profiled Leather Honing Wheel with LA-124 Set of Narrow Exchange Discs. These discs allow you to hone the smallest woodturning, carving, and V-gouges by easily replacing the leather on your honing wheel.

The LA-124 Set of Narrow Exchange Discs includes two leather honing wheels, one with a 2 mm (1/16") radius and one with a 45° tip.

Quality vegetable tanned leather

The LA-124 Set of Narrow Exchange Discs features premium leather from Sweden's renowned Tärnsjö Garveri tannery. With over 150 years of leather tanning experience, Tärnsjö Garveri is one of the few tanneries to use only natural vegetable products. This eco-friendly and top-quality leather is also used on Tormek's leather honing wheels.