Spoon Mule

In the forest is a clearing. In the clearing is a house. Near the house is a workshop. In the workshop Polly Boyer crafts and carves. He also makes these wonderful spoon mules. The Wood Tamer owns and uses his Spoon Mule regularly and we are thrilled to be able to share them with the wider carving community.

Made with easy pull down and assembly in mind this Spoon Mule captures a number of features that means no tools are required other than something to tap home the wedges.

Each Spoon Mule is carefully handcrafted on the NSW South Coast and is made to order.

When disassembled the mule measures 1200mm x 300mm x 250mm and weighs 8kg making it easy for anyone to transport. See the demo of assembly below and also how to use your Spoon Mule with a gouge and a draw knife to carve a spoon.

Main features:

  1. All legs are tapered mortice and tennon meaning legs are removed with a gentle tap where they protrude through the body.
  2. The neck of the mule is secured to the body by a tapered wedge.
  3. The head is held in place by two pins and secured by another tapered wedge.
  4. The paddle/jaw assembly is held by a single pin that can be adjusted up or down in three positions .
  5. The mule comes with a removable riser block that is used to raise the bowl of the spoon when shaping the back of the bowl.
  6. The Mule can be made with either three or four legs, three being better for rough or uneven surfaces.


All mules are made to order and a lead time of three weeks is expected.

Spoon Mule price on application.

If you would like to buy a Spoon Mule please contact Polly Boyer direct with your details
Via Email: 
Via Instagram: @paulboyer65